Flutter NET: Build beautiful and responsive cross-platform apps with Flutter and .NET 6 Backend (API Project and AdminLTE-based Dashboard UI kit). Clean Architecture and Repository pattern. Authentication, Role Management, Multilanguage, and more.
Flutter App Features #
- Clean Project Structure: Well structured project
- Dark Mode: Dark Mode / Light Mode UI
- Multilingual and RTL Supported: Multilingual supported (English & Arabic added), you can easily extend and add any other languages
- Pages: Login, Forgot Password, Dashboard, Privacy, Account, Language Selection, Share App, Rate US, and more
- More coming soon
Backend Features #
Admin Panel Features: #
- AdminLTE Dashboard UI: Clean and well-documented AdminLTE Dashboard UI with all the plugins
- Authentication: Login page (using Identity Framework)
- User Management: Create, View, Edit, and Delete users
- Role Management: Create, View, Edit, and Delete roles
- Dynamic Sidebar: Sidebar navigation items can be dynamically generated using sidebar.json
- Dynamic UI Content: Dynamic and modular create action buttons, page UI blocks, and so on.
- Server-Side Toast Notification: You can trigger toast notification from the server side supports error, info, warning, and success
- NLog: Separate Logging project implementation with the help of the NLog Plugin
- More coming soon
Web API Project Features:
- Swagger Documentation: Auto Swagger Documentation with Open API Standard
- Authentication: JWT Token based authentication and authorization
- Password Change: Password change flow added
- Check User Name: Anonymous user name check API
- Forgot Password Forgot Password flow.
- Global Exception handling: Throughout the application, if ever exception occurs application will handle it without crashing
- NLog: Separate Logging project implementation with the help of the NLog Plugin
- More coming soon