.NET AdminLTE Starter Kit: A clean .NET 6 hight performance project template with User Management , Authentication using Identity and Entity Framework with beautiful AdminLTE Dashboard UI. This starter kit will save 100+ hours of development time.
AdminLTE Dashboard UI: Clean and well documented AdminLTE Dashboard UI with all the plugins
Authentication:Login page (using Identity Framework)
User Management: Create, View, Edit and Delete users
Role Management: CRUD
Change Password: Admin change password option
Dynamic Sidebar: Side bar navigation items can be dynamically generated using sidebar.json no need of adding menu in the HTML code
Dynamic UI Content: Dynamic and modular create action button, page UI block and so on.
Server Side Toast Notification: You can trigger toast notification from the server side supports error, info, warning and success
Data Table: Datatable plugin with all types of exports (pdf, csv, excel, copy, pdf, print)
API Project: .NET 6 Web API with Swagger documentation
JWT Authentication: JWT token authentication
MVC Architecture & Repository Pattern
Demo Account Info:
- User Name: adminuser
- Password: Admin@123
Package Contents:
- .NET 6 Framework MVC Full Project
- Installation documentation
Third Party Plugins:
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- Jquery
- Select 2
- DataTables (with all exports options)
- daterangepicker
- datepicker
- NToasty